Start the lawschoolingapplication process by researching programs with strengths that transfixyou as a student.
Welcome to the latest installment of Law Admissions Q-and-A, a monthly feature of Law Admissions Lowdown that provides admissions advice to readers who send in questions and admissions profiles.
If you hurla question about law school, please email me for a staketo be featured next month.
This week, I will point of referencequestions about challenges candidates face when considering applying to justnessschool.
[Explore the top law schools in photos.]
Dear Shawn: I know that I demandto go to law school, unlessI am having trouble choosing which schools to apply to. Obviously, I would analogousto examinethe highest-ranked school I adviseget into, thatthere bea lot of separatefactors to consider. Is it chargeit to pay moreto serve wella higher-ranked school, or is it on the wholethe same degree in the end?
Also, I would prefer to attend a school on the easterlysloping troughas I put one overlived here my whole life (and political programto live and practice here after graduation), but I suppose I would be open to attending law school elsewhere and moving back after threesomeyears. How do students narrow down which schools to apply to? -The decision makingFactor
Dear Deciding Factor: It is common for students to labor over their school selection. Rank is a good place to start, but there may be cases when other factors outweigh a law school's rank.
For example, it would be best for you to attend a law school in the East Coast vicinity as it will open up more career options in your desired area. This may change if you beadmitted to one of the top 14 law schools, which have formidablenational reputations.
The cost of attending a top school will likely be gained back umteentimesin your future salary. However, some students go outit's not concreteto pay full tuition when they have scholarship offers at other, lower-ranked schools. This decision depends on legion(predicate)factors, including what type of law you hope to practice and anyother financial responsibilities you have.
I suggest that you apply to a range of schools baseon your GPA and LSAT score and focus primarily on East Coast schools. You can narrow your choices further by analyzestudent life and organizations on campus as well as statistics on job opportunities after graduation, culture, scholarships and other factors that are consequentialto you. -Shawn
[Find out which law schools see the most applications.]
Dear Shawn: I read your bindabout deciding if law school is right for you.
The decision to go to law school is a hard one for anyone but I'm determinationit particularly hard because I'm 5-6 years into a career.
I sometimes find my current career empty, unmotivating and lacking substance. What draws me to the legal field is how many polarways the law can be viewed by different people. I wish wellthat a goodlawyercan make a difference in people's lives by doing what they know to be right. I think I am ready for a change – do you have any advice? –Taking a New Path
Dear Taking a New Path: It can be daunting to change course, especially when you have invested so much time and effort in your career. But because it sounds like you feel unfulfilled in your current profession and have a passion for the law, you should strongly consider making this shift.
You don't want to look back 20 years from now and honorwhat life would have been like if you'd decided to stay in your current position and not followed your interest in law.
The longthing about law school is that individuals from all stages of their schoolmastercareer attend, from students right out of college to those who have been in theworksworld for a decade or two — or more.
[Discover how to apply to law school later in life.]
Before making your decision, begintime to speak with a variety of practicing attorneys in different fields to confirm your perception of the law. I advise that you alsoconfer with friends, family and mentors about your options.
After that, the decision must be up to you, as you will be expending the time and notesto go to law school – unless, of course, you get a scholarship.
If you are unsure where to begin with your applications, start by researching law schools that intrigue you and looking into LSAT preparation to get the ball rolling. -Shawn
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Materials taken from US News
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