Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How do without Kiev subway

19/02/2014 19:45 Ground transportation works in emergency mode , and taxi drivers inflate prices How do without Kiev subway Kyiv authorities poshil unprecedented action - yesterday at about 16.00 they stopped traffic on all lines underground. Head of the city administration Vladimir Makeenko made ​​this decision , explaining his act of terrorism threat . Although the reasons for such fears were not announced . Kiev subway night carries about 1.5 million passengers - yesterday all these people had to get home after work on land transport , with passenger traffic which failed. In the center of a traffic jam in 10 balls, which disappeared only after 21.00 . This is the first case in the history of Kiev, when Metro closed completely. Until now, only limited movement on individual stations - for example, in the days of football matches station " Sports Palace " is open only to the output. And due to the threat of terrorist attacks closed only individual station and just a few hours - for example, in August 2012 because of an anonymous report about mining station "University" . And in November the same year, the cleaning lady found a device similar to a bomb at the station " Cave " . In both cases, the station was closed for 30-40 minutes. As at 18.30 Moscow Metro environment is still not working. Kiev authorities reported that opportunities to restore the subway no . To cope with the traffic flow , KP Kievpastrans today organized additional routes and increased the number of rolling stock on a number of routes , and Vladimir Makeenko instructed carriers transporting people for free. Cork in the center of Kiev February 18 However, additional transport problem not solved . In many areas of the capital and in the morning rush hour were observed long queues at bus stops . Trolleybuses and trams run regularly, bus crowded and do not want to be driven to the center of the capital , reduce route , referring to the Manual. In addition , public transport not only became free , but on the contrary - rose . Carriers on certain routes and did two or three times over- fare , passengers complain on social networks . According to them, with any objections contact conductors offer " to the authorities ." Many people have turned to the taxi service , which , taking advantage of the situation significantly increased prices . " If the normal time cost of one kilometer path is about 2 dollars , then yesterday dispecherskie individual companies increased rates five times ," - said the taxi association preboards Ukrainian Andrei Antoniuc . Chapter union of taxi drivers Vasily Popik argues that this was due to traffic jams . For this reason, order a taxi was extremely difficult. According Antonyuk normally taxi service handles up to three thousand orders per day , that is in a minute goes from 5 to 20 phone calls. Yesterday in between 17.00 and 18.00 per minute received more than 300 calls. Therefore, in applying machine yesterday refused at least 5 thousand people, he says. " Because of the situation on the roads lead time increased from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours," - says Antoniuc . Many drivers simply refused to work because of the riots in the city. "Usually at night has 200 taxis on the line, only 70 left yesterday . One of our cars was shot from a firearm . Driver was not injured, but others are afraid to go into the city ," - says Antoniuc . Today, taxi drivers have reduced tariffs , but the number of cars is still declining . " Now we get about 50-40 calls per minute. But on the line running fewer drivers and their number will be reduced . Nobody wants to risk " , - says Andrey Antoniuc .

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