Thursday, June 8, 2017

Stella McCartney is using ocean trash for luxury fashion

Ocean trash — or the newest fashion trend?
That's the question people are asking themselves after English fashion designer Stella McCartney revealed that she's diving into a new kind of material — ocean debris. 

McCartney's vegan fashion brand is partnering with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that aims to raise awareness and end behavior detrimental to the ocean, for its latest endeavor, The New York Times reports.
The group developed yarns and fabrics made out of plastic trash — think fishing nets and bottles — as a new kind of material for the fashion industry. McCartney has partnered with Adidas to make shoes using Parley's materials, too.
“To take something that is destructive and turn it into something that’s sexy and cool, how can that not be luxury?” McCartney told The New York Times. 
McCartney's brand will use the material to replace woven or recycled polyester, according to the paper. The brand's official site doesn't say how long the partnership with Parley will last, but according to InStyle, items will debut in July. 
World Oceans Day is on Thursday, June 8. It's a widely-celebrated day that was put together by The Ocean Project, a group that focuses on ocean conservation.
More than 100 countries participated last year, along with the United Nations, and schools around the world. Every year, 4.8 to 12.7 million metric tons of plastic waste gets into the ocean.
Let's just hope McCartney's products don't resemble Topshop's recent plastic monstrosities.

Originally published on Mashable

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